Monday, July 27, 2009

Its Not Easy Being Green: Falling off the Wagon

first off, I'm going to say it... Having a conscience sucks! Nothing would please me more than telling you that a quick trip to the grocery store last week resulted in my purchasing a few "green" items...but I just can't do it.
I find that the older i get the more my conscience gets to me and I am just not capable of lying no matter the circumstances...try as I might! I just can't.
So here goes....
A quick trip to the store, a trip that was intended solely for the purchase of simply kielbasa, ended miserably by me breaking so many GREEN RULES its not even funny. It all began with my decision to NOT bring in my tote bags figuring the one item could easily be thrown into my purse (which happens to also be a tote).
After grabbing the kielbasa I realized I also needed a paper plate~but as we all know you can't buy just one, so naturally i had to buy a stack of them. Legitimately I couldn't very well send the kielbasa to soccer camp on my plates, what if i didn't get it back? A little background will tell you that it was the last day of soccer camp for Mason and the coach wanted to make it fun by having a little picnic ~~ each "team" was responsible for bringing in afood item based on the nationality of their World Cup Team...Mason was on Team Poland.
So while I was in the paper goods aisle Mason was kind enough to remind me we also needed paper towels. UGH!
This is a huge wasted item in our home. I can't even explain the number of paper towels thrown out with barely a stain on them...but they are what the heck. Right? Well, that's the majority ruling and I deal with. After walking back and forth along the aisle I settled on Small Steps Recycled Greener Alternative, by Marcel. They were incredibly affordable for an 8 pack and I was proud of my find. Knowingly, I should've just bypassed the purchase all together, but honestly I can't be expected to move mountains within the first 24 hours, so allow me some leniency here.
In an effort to counteract my paper towel purchase I grabbed a package of the reusable towels and headed to the checkout~knowing the kids would require some education on these towels in an effort to get them on board with wasting fewer paper towels needlessly (god help me!). Practically running to the checkout before I could add more nothing to my basket~I paid for my purchases and took them all home in plastic bags! Plastic Bags... the words practically make my skin crawl...I never throw these out and must have 1000 of them sitting in my kitchen closet, waiting for the day that they come up with a reasonable recycling method (i periodically remind myself of the recycle bins at the front of the stores designed specifically for these bags...but I NEVER remember to bring them with me).
So I'm back in my home...only to turn back around about 30 minutes later and drive back out~this time to drop Mason off at practice (not far from the store). But WAIT! it gets better... apparently on this particular day I was thinking gas is free and my car is emission free! I drop Mason off...head back home and cut up the kielbasa~lay it out on a stack of about 5 paper plates (these recycled plates were so cheaply made that if I had wanted to put the slices on only one it surely would have bent under the weight causing all the kielbasa to hit the floor).
After approximately 1 to 1 and a half hours I drive back to soccer camp(if your counting this is trip three) to drop off the kielbasa and watch the end of the week picnic etc. only to drive back home again shortly after that (which makes it 4 trips).
I must confess that I was not even responsible for bringing Mason home that night as he was sleeping over a friends. I could have cut all of these trips into one quick run to the store followed by dropping Mason and his kielbasa off...then returning home. But noooo, I ran back and fourth FOUR TIMES in the course of two hours... an out trip that could have been completed all in one swift effort to reduce, reuse, recyle.
Mission 1: FAILED!~

1 comment:

  1. bad girl. i used my reusable totes today but i did put my non-organic-shipped-from-timbuktu-produce into plastic bags (i use those to pick up dog poo... but i'm not sure what's worse- picking up poo in plastic or just leaving it there to disintegrate). anyway, i often get plastic. i'm a hypocrite. i use them for garbage bags. cuz let's face it, i recycle NOTHING around here. (except those things the homeless people pick from my trash and reuse... 'god' bless their souls). maybe making the kids quit all their activities will help you save the world ;)
