Monday, July 27, 2009

Green Movements So Far

The list is short so far, but honestly I do believe that every little attempt counts. Some have been wildly successful...others not so much. I will attempt to keep you updated on all of my more current Green Movements in subsequent Blogs as they transpire~

1. Switched from a 6 cylinder SUV to a 4 cylinder car (a move I can say caused so much stress because I knew I was sending a vehicle to a junk yard and wasn't sure this was really a good thing).

2. Went from tampons to a Diva Cup (i have used this exactly one month so far and am not entirely convinced I like it...but I do like the idea of never paying for tampons again and am more than willing to keep trying until I've AT LEAST got my money's worth).

3. Recycling everything possible

4. Stopped flushing for my morning pee...a move that has caused my kids to say EW, and wouldn't you morning I caught my husband flushing my pee away prior to peeing himself~when I asked him what he was doing he replied "i dont want to pee on your pee that's gross!" totally erasing my attempting at saving one flush. CAN YOU EVEN DEAL (this does give you an idea of what i'm up against)

5. Switched to electronic bills, the only time they come in paper now is when they are telling me I'm late or goign to be shut off. Life is good

6. Bought approximately 12 reuseable grocery bags/totes

7. Switched to aluminum free deodorant...which does very little to stop my stress sweat. Admittedly I enjoy smelling good and have since switched back I'M SORRY! (yes i know the effects and potential breast cancer risk)

8. Composting everything possible

9. Switched as many light bulbs in the house to the twirly kind

10. We purchased two hens for their eggs and well... cause they are cute

11. Attempted to grow a garden during one of the worst (coldest) summers Connecticut has seen in 100 years. Its a pathetic tangle of weeds and mud at this point!

12. Rain Barrel...which has proven to be WORTHLESS this summer. It has literally not stopped raining long enough to be useful~but we've seen some might neat looking mosquito larvae growing in there

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