Thursday, July 30, 2009

Walking is an Option??? Really...

So I was just sitting outside enjoying the weather and more of my book Sleeping Naked is Green when I reached the passage from April 30, Day 61...nonstick frying pans? Oh gooood I'm thinking now i'll know if I really should go get a cast iron or if there is some other alternative out there that is even better suited to assisting me on saving the earth, when our author takes a wild turn in a vehicular direction.
Giving up a car? Nope, not me. Doesn't apply here, as we are toooo far into the suburbs to even consider public transportation...Then she hits me an unexpected one two punch and knocks me out cold!
WALK! Are you kidding me? This girl has an answer for everything. Periodically through the book I often find myself refering to her as a high class snob. Which helps me feel some what self righteous...if she can do this I can do it way better. But now she's actually proposing that I walk somehwere?
Are you freaking kidding me? I am finding more disappointment while reading feeling that my initial expectations of doing something each day crumbles with her next initiative at leading a Green Life. I can't do it!!!! I can't I can't I can't! I want to tell her that its not possible, its not fair to expect me to walk and there is no way I can even think about dragging three children behind me as I make my 5-7 mile journey up hill both ways (in the snow no less) to the local grocery store (which really isn't even local but would actual mean crossing city lines...more than once!).
It leaves me asking the question...which one of us is really the high class snob, she's already proven she can do this... I can even seem to turn off my freezer without wanting to cry out a big "WHAT IF....!".


  1. i think anyone who has ever seen where you live would understand why you can't give up your car. (TRUST me!) so all you can do is change other things and eventually, when your car is paid off and falling apart, buy a hybrid. we don't all live in the city, ya know?

  2. well, ok, i live in the city. but that's why i can use my bicycle.
